Yaese Town, Tomori Seinenkai


Our District

Tomori is located at the heart of Yaese town, which is located in the middle of southern Okinawa. We are proud of our traditional performance arts which include the eisa.

Our Group

The Tomori Seinenkai is in our 27th year since establishment, and at the beginning, we were taught the eisa by the Ozato Seinenkai in Itoman city. We actively participate in various events including sports events, festivals and traditional functions during Bon in the lunar calendar.

Description of Our Performance

Our drum-handling, movement of our feet, and synchronized formations accompanied by our local melodies are the great distinctions of our style of eisa. Also a unique Tomori style is the hand dancing by just the women.

Our Aspirations for this Festival

We hope to let the audience know how wonderful Tomori is, through our performance at Seinen Furusato Eisa Festival.


Seinen (Youth) Furusato Eisa Festival Executive Committee (Okinawa Prefectural Seinendan Council)
■Inquiries TEL:098-868-1756 E-mail:okiseikyo@yahoo.co.jp