Ishigaki City, Ohama Seinenkai

Program:Ohama Village Shi-shi Lion Dance

Our District

Ohama is located approximately 4km from downtown Ishigaki, with a population of 4000 people. Our community loves a good competition! From baseball and marathons to volleyball, and various sports events, we are always active in our district. With original songs and dance, the community is always on the go.

Our Group

The Ohama Seinenkai is made up of 22 locals in their teens to 30s. Every year, we present to our residents the fruits of our efforts through recitals and other events. We also are enthusiastic participants in various local events, from coming-of-age ceremonies to seniors’ events, as well as traditional functions.

Description of Our Performance

It is said that that the Shi-shi Lion Dance of Ohama began approximately 200 years ago. The powers of the Shi-shi Lions is said to cast away evil spirits during the Bon in the lunar calendar. It is a traditional event that we have inherited from our forefathers which is said to keep the family healthy and to bring a good harvest for the year.
Every district has a distinctive Shi-shi Dance, but Ohama’s shi-shi is said to be extremely fierce, where the Shi-shi enters the scene after a display of Bo Jutsu.

Aspirations for this Festival

It is our first participation with the Shi-shi Dance at this Festival in 20 years! We are grateful for the opportunity given to us with the cooperation of the Shi-shi Bo Preservation Society. We hope that the audience will enjoy our lively performance, with the Shi-shi’s dynamic moves and powerful presence.
We will be putting in all our efforts in this Festival not just for us but for all our members and those who have supported us along the way and cheering us on from Ishigaki Island!


Seinen (Youth) Furusato Eisa Festival Executive Committee (Okinawa Prefectural Seinendan Council)
■Inquiries TEL:098-868-1756