Haebaru Town Arakawa Seinenkai

Our District

The population of Arakawa in Haebaru is approximately 2000 people, and all of our residents from children to the elderly make up a very tightly knit community.
The area has been enjoying great advancements in the recent times, with the newly opened children’s hospital and bus terminal.

Our Group

We are a very young group, just having formed last year. With our motto of “Everlasting Spirit,” we will be putting forth all of our efforts to put on a great show. Our eisa is distinctive in the drum-handling and formations, using yotsudake in our hand dances that add a fascinating touch to our performance.

Description of Our Performance

We were taught the eisa by the Aragusuku Seinenkai of Yaese town. Our performers, totaling 56 members, will be performing the large drums, small drums, hand dancing, and as Chondara, hatagashira and musical accompaniment.

Our Aspirations for this Festival

This is our first participation at the Festival and we came prepared with full of appreciation for the opportunity to perform at this traditional event. We hope that you will all enjoy our performance that we have worked hard at practicing, and hope to leave and impression on our audience.


Seinen (Youth) Furusato Eisa Festival Executive Committee (Okinawa Prefectural Seinendan Council)
■Inquiries TEL:098-868-1756 E-mail:okiseikyo@yahoo.co.jp